What is the first step in dealing with Anxiety?
When dealing with anxiety it is important to understand it. Sufferers of anxiety and panic attacks often suffer in silence and often alone.
Anxiety and Behavioral Symptoms
Anxiety is normally thought to be a condition of the nervous system. Naturally, those who do not understand anxiety wouldn’t think that there would be any physical symptoms to anxiety other than just nervousness.
However, with an anxiety disorder, many different anxiety symptoms are brought forth.
The symptoms of anxiety range from minor discomforts too intense feelings that may even make the anxiety sufferer feel he is dying. Anxiety symptoms may include shortness of breath, pains in the chest, pains in the head, numbness in the face or head and hyperventilation. He may also feel hot flashes or a sort of dizzy or unsteady feeling, and his vision may even be affected. There are a myriad of other disconcerting feelings that may make sufferer of anxiety feel most uncomfortable. It seems, whatever he fears most will plague him. Dealing with anxiety is no fun.
Anxiety symptoms make a person suffering anxiety want to run away from these feelings, and it is, in part, this running away that helps to make these symptoms of anxiety intensify. To the anxious person these feelings are unwarranted and he only wishes he could feel like he once did. Not realizing that he is involved in the process of intensifying the sensations by fearing them only makes him more bewildered.
Many times anxiety symptoms are in the background of a person’s life, day and night beating on and keeping him miserable. Other times, the sufferer of anxiety will feel normal for hours, days, perhaps even weeks, but then out of the blue anxiety along with its intense miserable symptoms occur.
What can be used to deal with anxiety?
This website provides details of a self help program that can help deal with anxiety and other mental conditions. The Linden Method is a proven system used by tens of thousands of people around the world who have cured them selves of the symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks.
There are no set rules for the way anxiety symptoms will behave. For some people, something which is happening in their lives has made them nervous and when this cause of nervousness ends the anxiety to will end, as well. However for other people, there’s no apparent cause of the anxiety, but the symptoms are ever present and so intense they have become the center of their lives.
The sufferer of anxiety often seeks medical help, and it may indeed be helpful that the sufferer learns he is not having a stroke, he is not having a heart attack and indeed, he is actually, in good health. Still, the symptoms continue on. The anxiety sufferer does not understand that by trying so hard to defeat these symptoms, he is only driving more adrenaline through his system and therefore making them worse.
Part of the cure of anxiety lies in realizing that anxiety symptoms are actually fake physical symptoms that are brought on by adrenaline and are not really dangerous. However, the harm anxiety causes is that these fake physical symptoms of anxiety are now controlling a person’s life.